were released, in front of a crowd of
well-wishers, Saturday July 17, at 10:30am.

They flew off with rapid wingbeats and were skyward in seconds. Everyone watched as they circled together and then flew off towards a tree line to the east. It was truly a spectacular sight to behold.
(Matt Kuhn and Laurel Durkin getting ready to release "their" kestrels)
The young great horned owl, admitted as an orphaned baby several months ago, is now learning, and hopefully perfecting, his hunting techniques in our 100 foot flight enclosure (left). Once this youngster is successfully hunting live prey, and has had enough time to learn all that he can, he will be released into the wilds.
He was recently separated from his foster mom, Sage (right), who is now enjoying total peace and quiet in her own space. We continue to be deeply appreciative of Sage's stellar mothering skills and her extreme patience!
A red shouldered hawk was admitting several weeks ago after hitting a window near Glen Arbor. This hawk suffered a fractured tibia in his left leg, which was surgically repaired byDr. Eric Peck.
The hawk currently has a splint on his leg and is recovering from this accident. Once the splint is removed the hawk will undergo some physical therapy on that leg, to improve muscle tone and flexibility.
Our goal is to release him where he was found...an area that is familiar to him and where he knows to find the best hunting and perching places.
I am leading more tours of the WOW facility this summer, probably due to the increased press about our plight with the Leelanau County Road Commission. If you are interested in a tour of Wings of Wonder, please call to set up a time. Wings of Wonder is not open to the public. The tours are by appointment only and we ask for a donation from each tour participant.
Unfortunately, the road saga continues. The question being asked by the most people is "why-why is the road commission doing this?" We do not have an answer since, to date, the road commissioners have yet to address this question. The legal process continues with depositions being taken during the end of august and the first of september. Witness lists are being drafted and we await the receipt of our discovery request from the road commissioners. Over a hundred folks have either written letters, called WOW, offered support, sent in financial pledges towards our legal defense fund, and/or made calls to the road commissioners and county commissioners. We have yet to hear or learn of any support for the road commissioners or for their actions.
Please keep up this wonderful and effective momentum!
I continue to extend my total heart-filled thanks to you all; for your strong support, your belief in Wings of Wonder and the raptors, and for your encouragement and hugs.
(an immature Saw Whet Owl, released on July 12th, 2010)