This article was published in the Grand Traverse Insider, Sept 19, 2011, highlighting the addition of our newest educational family member. We welcome Golda to Wings of Wonder.
Due to her poor health, both mentally and physically, Golda is in healing for at least the next 12 months. She is a 19 year old eagle who has been in captivity and on public display all of her life, with never any time off for rest, rejuvenation or privacy. I believe it will take her at least 3 years to reach balanced health and to molt in strong and beautiful feathers once again. Because of some of her past history with untrained and unprofessional humans, she has little reason to ever trust again. My immediate role with Golda is to slowly and gently build up a strong trust account with her. I visit with her several times each day, always arriving with a tasty treat. She has become quite curious about me....and will vocalize when she hears me coming in anticipation of the treat-of-the-hour. I have secured a source for fresh rabbit meat from the local Leelanau County 4H rabbit breeders. Because these quality meats are fresh and not frozen, they contain all the essential vitamins and nutrients critical to Golda's return to health. She is also fed a diet of quail, chicken and rodents. We continue to modify and remodel her aviary to fit her ever changing needs. We have found that she is most comfortable on wide and padded perches so have wrapped all surfaces with multiple layers of daisy mat and sisal rope. Golda is enjoying her "toys"....stuffed animals, old phone books, cardboard boxes and large rope toys which she spends endless hours shredding and tearing apart. If anyone wants to donate old and used toys to Golda please contact Wings of Wonder. All donations are greatly appreciated!!!
We will soon be including Golda as one of our "adoptable" ambassador raptors..so stay tuned. What a great gift a Golda adoption certificate would be for that friend, family member or cohort who seems to "have everything".