Well, a bit of happy news is in order; we have several new babies to introduce. Our screech owls, Arlo and Gilda, are currently fostering a couple of babies, hatched around Earth Day. Arlo is doing most of the parenting, as usual, while Gilda watches from a perch close by( probably hooting orders to poor Arlo). Both babies are being brooded and kept warm by Arlo as they all nestle together in the nestbox. The babies just opened their eyes 2 days ago. It looks like both of them will be gray, like their foster mama.
A couple of days ago I drove up to Petoskey to rescue an orphaned baby Great Horned owl. This
baby was found in a back yard with the closest suitable or possible nest trees about 2 football fields away! The baby is way too young to fly on its own. All I can guess
is that a raven may have grabbed the baby out of the nest, thinking it an easy meal, and tried to fly off with it, eventually dropping it into the backyard. The baby was checked out at Jensen's Vet Clinic, given a clean bill of health, and I brought him back to the hospital here at Wings of Wonder. After another day of observation the baby was presented to Sage, our old and wise foster mama horned owl. She eagerly accepted the little guy and now watches over him as any good mother would do.
I would like to thank you all, again, for your help with the current and awful road issue. The win in court last week was so deliciously wonderful....yet the "game" is not over by any means. We are asking that you continue making "noise" by writing letters to the contacts listed in a previous blog, as well as writing letters to the editors, making phone calls to county officials, and helping to spread the word about the ridiculous actions of the Leelanau County Road Commission. My total thanks to you all!