Sunday, January 1, 2012

The end of 2011 ended on a high note....Golda, our resident Golden Eagle, finally accepted tasty morsels right from my gloved hand. This is the pay off after almost 7 months of slow and gentle trust-building. We have now passed a major training threshold...let the fun begin!

Doolin, our resident rock-star, aka turkey vulture, is totally enjoying this unseasonably warm winter weather, although he still snuggles upon his heated and padded perch each evening.

Great Horned Owl Eoin is busy preparing her nest of soft, dried pine needles. She has tenderly placed her favorite stuffed animal, a pink plush poodle, into the nest and quietly hoots motherly songs to her "baby".

Ned, our Saw Whet Owl, is loving his new home....a newly completed aviary right next door to resident Eastern Screech Owls Arlo and Gilda. The new digs are completely decked out with a variety of perch options, nest boxes and a heated water bowl, which he considers his own personal hot water tub.

Together with Jaeda, Piper, Bella, Pearl and Sage, the WOW raptors wish you a very peace-filled, adventuresome and nature-inspired new year.

1 comment:

  1. Great close-up photos
    Happy New Year!
    Keep up the great work.
