Wednesday, October 24, 2012

To all of our friends and supporters, we ask that you consider the following request:
Due at the end of this month is our second, and final, $4000.00 payment to the Leelanau County Road Commission, as per the settlement of the 2009-2011 lawsuit.  As you may remember, the road commission had decided that our private easement was a public road and decided to take ownership back in 2009, thus a lawsuit was "born".  This easement included our private driveway and, if allowed to become public, would have had cars driving through our yard and right alongside several of our flight pens.  If allowed to become public, the proximity of the new road to the flight pens would have closed down Wings of Wonder, permanently.  The settlement provided for a portion of a newly constructed seasonal road to be situated off of our property and 70 feet from our property line.  Terms of this settlement required us to make a total payment to the road commission of $8000.00.  The additional legal fees created a huge financial burden as did the required property perimeter fence which we built last fall.  This solid 9-foot fence now shields and protects the raptors from the new public road.  I am asking you to please consider a financial pledge of support towards this final payment.  Your donation is fully tax deductible and will help us to continue our mission of raptor rehabilitation, education and research.
   Help us to fly ever higher.  My raptorian thanks!


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